There are amazingly skilled skaters who fly under the radar – and quite often we wonder why they don’t have a wider audience? With this series we’d like to give space to talents who are enriching the skate world with their creativity. First up, meet Anastasija Kukić from Sydney. She picked up her first pair of roller skates by the end of 2017. Since then she built up some serious skills. Hopefully, she won’t stay under the radar for too long. Because watching Anastasija skate will def blow your mind.
Hi Anastasija, tell us where you are from?
I am a Serbian Greek Australian born and raised in the Sydney South West Suburbs of Bankstown. Now I’m shredding the Inner West of Sydney!!
When did you start roller skating?
In October I will have been rolling for 3 full years; so since 2017!!
Is roller skating your first love or do you roll(-ed) on other wheels as well?
When I was a kid I skateboarded but I didn’t get into it, so I’d say yeah it defs my first skate love. You could say I wheely love it!!
What’s your favorite style of skating ?
I don’t have a favorite style, I get pumped for whichever style my friends are skating (I am just way too keen for hangs to be honest). In saying that, I do love rails, give me a rail to slide and I’ll give it a hot go!!
Edit: Samantha Trayhurn // Music: @_audiosexual –>Check out more Aussie action here!
Favorite tricks you go for everywhere you show up?
I love doing airs. Give me a ramp, ledge, stairs or gap to go off, and I’ll go off. Usually I give grabs a go and my favorite three are Method Grab, Mute Grab and this one which I dont know its name, but I cross my legs, tuck them tight, and grab the back foot!! Those are fun!
Best time of the day to skate?
Anytime my friends wanna skate!!
What do you do if you are not skating?
I’m a student of architecture, so when I’m not skating and not doing design or my studies, I’m generally designing skateparks in my head (big dream of mine) or doing art.
Perfect soundtrack for a chill skate session?
This is tricky, I listen to a range of music, but when skating I prefer energetic music, stuff to pump me up! In saying that, I listen to a lot of mixed stuff from all over the world. The majority will be from the Balkans specifically ex-Yugo and Greek stuff. There is a good mix of artists I like from Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East.