Crew Tape: CIB Paris goes Cosanostra

by Marta
CIB Paris

CIB Paris had a fantastic Sunday at legendary Cosanostra Skatepark! It’s a huge skatepark with both: an outdoors and indoors arena. On a rainy winter day the crew met at Gare du Nord station and took the train to Chelles, in the suburbs of Paris. The lovely thing about shared travels is chatting, warm up and getting hyped together. It rained so hard that the rain poured down from the roof and made the coping slippery but it obviously didn’t prevent them from having fun.

Bienvenue and enjoy the latest crew tape!

Filming, sound and editing by @laprincessedefrogner

CIB Paris crew: @tikibooma @stephanie.thevenard @nina.hades @sabineraillard @sydnoodle @cechesneau @lg_nina @ben_robic


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