New Roller Skating Edits in March

by Marta
roller skating edits in march

For your viewing pleasure and inspiration we flipped, clicked and searched through the web to collect some new roller skating edits in March.

Still Unknown is an edit from Mexico City. Sofía Agatón, Danny Mota, Vissertornasol, and Himeko Lau went out in December to explore the streets of DF. This is the  result of four days of filming.

Once again Berlin’s Skäti Crew hopped on a plane to have fun and film in Barcelona. This is what they say about the result: “Low quality image, 4:3 ratio, dirty lens, lots of butt-shots, spots you have seen many times before, plenty of unimpressive roller skating with some cool tricks mixed in between, sun, palms, and lots of fun. This is a nostalgic trip into the kind of videos we would have made as teens in the 90s

Another one with Sofia Agaton who had a part in 10 Trucos, a cool series where skaters present 10 tricks. You can find more episodes on their YouTube.

If you enjoyed these roller skating edits in March, check out May, June, July, October, and November.

Top photo: Screenshot from “Still Unknown”

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