Growing the roller skating scene and making the first indoor skate park by roller skaters in Belgium happen: Since the beginning of 2020 Mary PopWheel is determined to make these plans happen. To spread the word and gain support a series of online live shows with skaters and creaters from around the world is starting today, Dec 2nd.
There is no indoor skate park built and run by roller skaters in Europe. And if there is one in the US, South America or anywhere else in the world, please let us know. At least in Belgium, Aalst-local Mary-Isabelle La Roche aka Mary PopWheels wants to change that. Almost a year ago, Mary hung up her job to dedicate her life growing a roller skate scene in Aalst (right in the middle between Brussels and Ghent). An endeavor which seems to go pretty well.
How to make a park by and for roller skaters in Belgium happen
So, a logical next step for her is to make the skate park happen. Getting funds and especially support by the city – financially and location-wise – is the most difficult part, of course. But there is hope as Mary already got in touch with the city. Once the officials saw how big her social media following was, she told us, they showed interest with the slight chance they will support her idea. But social media success not everything, it is also important to go the official way to get taken seriously by the city, she says. So, this year she also founded an association called Project Wheels to give her efforts a more professional touch.
To make her idea more popular and spread the word, Mary invited skaters and creators from around the world to join live interviews on Zoom and Insta Live. The “Interwheels”-series which will stream throughout December and January. This will be entertaining and informative, as well. There are already some fun speed quiz clips on Instagram with some candidates.
First live episode on Zoom and Insta Live starts today, Dec 2nd, 6pm CET (12pm EST), with CIB boss Lady Trample and Sojourn Wallace, founder of Free Border Skate.
Insta Live:
Zoom link and login details:
Project Interwheels Zoom live show
ID: 845 3232 0388
Password: 2xrcbh